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Beer Pong Cups

Beer pong Rules

Beer Pong is played with 2 teams opposed to each other with triangular formed formations of Beer Pong Cups. Cups are filled with a beverage of choice.
The game starts with either 10 or 6 Beer Pong Cups on each side

Next to the Beer Pong Cups formation, you add one separate cups to the right side.

This has the purpose of keeping the Beer pong Balls clean during the game. You can dip the in the Wash- Cup that contains clean water.

Beerpong Rules
Both teams stand opposed to each other and take turns, trying to land the Beer Pong Balls in the opponent’s cups. 

If the ball lands in the cup, the opposing team must drink the content of that cup and remove the cup from the table.


You can make agreements before starting to allow re-group the formations of the cups.
This is called “Re-Rack”.
Are there only 6 or 3 cups left? Then it might come in handy to form the cups back to it’s triangular formation, in order to keep the game going.


The team with the most cups left, wins!
The team with the least amount of cups left, loses the game.